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Fill Out Your Alfred Profile

Sign up / Register

In order to create an Alfred profile, you need to log in here.

Alfred profile

The profile contains the main information about you that companies need in order to evaluate you as an employee. Below we go over what can be registered in Alfred's profile.

We recommend that you make your profile 100% because it increases your chances of landing the dream job.

40% Basic information (name, photo, email address, phone number)
10% About me
20% Work experience
20% Education
10% Language

Basic information

It is important that all basic information is correct when applying for a job.

In order to register or change basic information, click on the Edit button in the upper right corner of the basic information on the profile.

About me

Here you should write a short text about yourself. This text should introduce you as a person, what kind of personality you are, have you been involved in any leisure activities or other activities that you believe make you a good workforce.

Language skills

Language skills are important when it comes to job applications and can make a difference when hiring for certain types of jobs. We strongly recommend that users register information about their language skills in order to improve their profile.


You can upload attachments such as CV, certificates etc. to your profile. so you have them handy when you apply for jobs.

Companies only see the attachments sent with each application, they don't see the attachments that are in your profile.

A maximum of 10 documents can be entered in Alfred's profile. See more about attachments on profile.

It's simple to fill in information about work experience. Enter the company name, job title, description, month and year user started and stopped working for employer.

If you are still employed by the company, mark the "I am currently working here" option.


Education is filled out in a similar way to work experience. Enters information about the program, the school, the degree, the month and year that you started and finished the program.

If you are still studying at the school, mark the "I am currently enrolled" option.

You can add links to your profile that point to websites that give an even better picture of your background and skills.


Fill in everything you can think of when it comes to your skills and knowledge.

Examples: Android Programming, Advertising, Fabric Laying, Fashion Design, Finance, Lectures, Java, Leadership, etc.

Dagført tann: 08/11/2023

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